It has been a regular habit of mine to take a dead-of-the-night walk/ride since the last 2 years that i have been in vashi (mumbai). The other night, i went out in search of tea and ciggies at 2:30am approximately on Hidalgo (my std 350cc bullet) and as usual 2-3 dogs started barking and running after d bike as part of their social duties. And as usual, i screeched to a halt, scaring the dogs. And i whistled to d dogs and they were all over me in no time , waggin their tails and standing up chest high. I was confident enuf of shaking them off and jus playing along. It might have looked as if I am in trouble and along came two policemen on their bike who were patrolling the area. They shooed the dogs away nd asked me the customary questions as to y i was out so late nd where i worked nd stuff. Then wen i was jus bout to leave, the senior policeman asked me "Abhi tu problem mein tha toh policewallah aaya na help karneko??"
I said "haan bilkul"
He then asked, "toh log kya bolte ki police apna kaam nahi karta aur kisiko help nahi karta karke"
I told him that i have very high regards for the police force, especially that of mumbai. I also told him the way police has tightened security all across the city since the last year is remarkable.
And believe it or not, the changes in the security aspectz of the city are clearly visible. Two years bak, me and my friends used to have a gala time at a couple of our hang outs. Although the hang outs did not involve anything other dan d customary long chats over chai nd sutta, never were we "disturbed" by any police patrol vehicle. The night time patrols used to be visible only during election times and when d entire city used to be on "high alert". But starting with the ahmedabad blasts and after 26/11, security has been beefed up many a notches. Almost all the chai tapri's open till wee hours in the morning have shut down and i have to keep searching for new joints. The idea is to not let any place operate where people gather at odd hours of d night. There is active patrolling thru out d night and i have been stopped and asked for ID and reason for venturing out so late, more than once.
Inspite of the good chai-sutta-bhurji pav joints shutting down and me being stopped and questioned by d police, I am happy for these changes. It has created a sense of security in the minds of the people and will make anti socialites think twice before attemptin anything.
Three cheers to the Mumbai Police.
Hip hip hurray
hip hip hurray.. hip hip hurray.. completing the 3 cheers.. :P